PCB antenna simulation 2.4GHz/5.6GHz
This document describes the design and simulation of simple PCB antennas for 2.4GHz and 5.6GHz with Microwave Office and the Axiem EM simulator. The first example shows a 2.4GHZ single band antenna. The second example then shows a dual band version for 2.4GHz and 5.6GHz. Finally, we will investigate the sensitivity to PCB material tolerances.
PCB antenna simulation 2.4GHZ/5.6GHz
PCB antenna simulation 868MHz
This document discusses co-simulation of antenna and SMD matching components for electrically small antennas, and using the Analyst 3D FEM solver to include the effect of finite PCB size, or possible PCB cutouts.
Antenna matching network efficiency
This document discusses design and simulation of antenna matching networks, and how to compare matching network efficiency and insertion loss.
Antenna matching network efficiency
Using Delphi for MWO automation
This document describes the use of Embarcadero Delphi (formerly Borland Delphi) with the Microwave Office programming interface (COM API). Delphi is a great for rapid development of applications with a nice graphical user interface.
Using Delphi for MWO automation